The Division of Marketing & Communications manages the UGA Master Calendar. If you have questions or need help, please email
Master Calendar events must be of general interest to the university community. The calendar is primarily for events held on campus, though notable off-campus events may be included depending upon their importance to the university community.
All events are required to have a campus connection, such as being sponsored by an officially recognized UGA entity or held in a properly reserved UGA facility.
The following types of events are not included in the Master Calendar: weekly meetings (except when there is a special program of general institutional interest); socials or get-togethers that do not have a formal program or speaker; online-only events that are not campuswide Enterprise Information Technology Services occurrences; events with no specific location; and incentive nights.
Mentions of alcohol or alcoholic beverages (including happy and cocktail hours) also are not accepted for the Master Calendar.
The submission form includes a place for contributors to upload images with their events. Photos of speakers and images of the event from past years are usually the best candidates to be included with an event.
Fliers, event invitations and clipart graphics are not permitted on the Master Calendar.
For events that are connected, contributors should include a line stating the connection in the Event Summary area of the submission form. For example, “This event is part of Homecoming Week.” or “This event is part of the Hairy Dawg Speaker Series.”
For themed weeks with multiple events in different locations, contributors should fill out a separate submission for each event while also including a line connecting them. Submitting multiple events will ensure that the largest number of visitors see the week’s events.
The requirement of a ticket or reservation for free events should be included in the Event Summary area of the submission form.
Because the Master Calendar is used for event planning across campus as well as public affairs purposes, contributors should submit events as soon as the details are finalized.
To be featured in Columns, the faculty and staff newspaper, or on the university’s home page, events must be submitted at least three to four weeks in advance.
Units are responsible for assuring that their scheduled events will not compete with similar events that would draw a similar audience. Major lectures, performances and other events expected to draw a campuswide audience should not be held at the same time.
All events are reviewed before posting, and events are approved in the order they occur. The majority of events are approved within a few hours of submission. During peak times of the semester, an influx of events may cause a longer delay in the review and posting process.
Incomplete event submissions will not be posted until the missing information is received. As a result, a Master Calendar moderator may request more information regarding an event.
Contributors are solely responsible for the information in their submissions and should update their entries as soon as possible if anything changes. For specific questions, email
For further assistance with the Master Calendar, email or call 706‑542‑8059.
If you already manage event details in another system, you may be able to provide a feed to automate adding events to the UGA Master Calendar. Feeds require a base-level of information in order to set up an automatic import.
NOTE: Events with the same “Event Name” and “Event Place” will be combined into a multi-occurrence event when added via a feed. All other fields will be populated by the first occurrence found and differences in subsequent occurrences will be ignored. If events with the same name and location need to have unique details, “Event Name” should be unique.
If you’d like to find out more information about providing events as a feed, please email
Submit an Event