Thursday, June 15, 2023 9am to 4pm
About this Event
110 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602
This Professional Development event is a great opportunity for teaching practitioners, administrators, and researchers to receive state-of-the-art instruction and guidance for optimal pedagogical practice.
To go directly to our registration page: TCSI Registration Form.
DATES Monday, June 12 – Thursday, June 15
You may choose any combination of courses that do not conflict with each other according to scheduled meeting times.
Monday, June 12
AM courses – 9am-noon
PM courses – 1pm-4pm
Tuesday, June 13
AM courses – 9am-noon
PM courses – 1pm-4pm
Wednesday, June 14
AM Courses – 9am-noon
PM courses – 1pm-4pm
Thursday, June 15
AM courses – 9am-noon
PM courses – 1pm-4pm
TTCT Figural Scoring Workshop
TTCT Figural training participants will become proficient at scoring the norms-based creativity components measured by the TTCT Figural: fluency, originality, elaboration, resistance to closure, and abstractness of titles. Additionally, participants will learn how to score the criterion-based creative strengths checklist and assign test-takers' Creativity Index and National Percentile rank.
Instructor: Desiree I. Sharpe, Ph.D.
Schedule: Monday-Thursday/AM/In-Person
Nurturing Creativity in Educational Contexts: Applying the 5-Ps Approach
This interactive workshop will help you create classrooms that promote creative mindsets in all students. In adopting the 5-Ps approach, you will learn about the necessity to consider multiple perspectives in combination at the level of the person, process, product, place, and physiology in order to understand how creativity works. Learn about the mental operations that are involved in creativity (process), the traits and habits that have a positive impact on creativity (person), the specific elements that make an idea creative (product), the contextual factors that have a facilitative effect on creativity (place), and why creative modes involve getting past automatic and dominant modes of operation that typify the workings of our brains (physiology). Learning how to apply this knowledge will help cultivate the creative impulse in your students.
Instructor: Anna Abraham, Ph.D.
Schedule: Monday & Friday/PM/In-Person
Creativity and ESL: What we know, what we don’t, and what we can do about it
Bilingual students consistently demonstrate higher creative potential than their monolingual peers, and highly creative students demonstrate advantages in learning second and foreign languages. This workshop will begin with an exploration of the existing knowledge on the relationships among creativity, bilingualism, and second language learning. Participants will then learn and practice approaches for helping ESL students leverage their existing creativity into strategies for more effective communication. Participants will also learn how to design classroom activities and assessments that support students who struggle with creative thought, as well as how differentiated instruction based on a student’s creative strengths can support their developing English language skills. Finally, participants will discuss what still remains to be discovered about creativity and language acquisition and how the relationship might be further explored.
Instructor: Ashleigh Pipes, Ph.D.
Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday/PM/In-person
Making Your Classroom More Inclusive for Autistic & Neurodiverse Students
More and more autistic students are being placed in general education classes for at least 80% of the day. However, general education teachers often report feeling unprepared to balance the needs of these students in the larger classroom setting. To better prepare general education teachers to support increasingly neurodiverse classrooms, this course will provide teachers with feasible and acceptable evidence-based strategies they can use to make their classrooms more inclusive for neurodiverse/autistic students. This course will provide teachers strategies they can incorporate into their instruction and classroom management identified by other teachers as helpful and applicable. This course will provide general autism knowledge and a “toolbox” of feasible and empirically-supported strategies to help make a classroom run more smoothly. It will also focus on how to select appropriate strategies to match the characteristics of the individual student and the environment.
Instructors: Ashley Harrison, Ph.D. & Karrah Bowman, B.S.
Schedule: Tuesday/PM/In-person
Using Data to Inform Counseling Practices
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, student mental health and behavioral concerns have been on the rise. School-based mental health providers are on the front line of providing quality evidence-based interventions. It is critical to provide additional support to school-based mental health providers to address the myriad of student concerns. One way to support school-based mental health personnel and to facilitate the implementation of timely, quality services to students is through the use of data to guide student identification and service provision. The goal of this course is to teach participants how to use data to a) identify students in need of counseling services, b) select appropriate counseling approaches and techniques; and c) monitor progress towards identified goals. Participants will leave the course with tangible steps and data collection techniques to improve the effectiveness of their counseling practice, thus facilitating better student outcomes and reducing counselor caseload.
Instructor: Sycarah Fisher, Ph.D.
Schedule: Wednesday/AM/Online
Supporting Learning and Computational Thinking through Game-Based Learning
This course introduces participants to the Game-Based Learning approach and shows different ways of integrating games and game design to support students’ STEM learning and computational thinking. Participants will learn the best practices of developing GBL lessons. I will introduce GBL pedagogical framework, design process, and strategies for facilitating students’ game design. I will also introduce the concept of computational thinking and how teachers can support students’ CT development through GBL. Participants of this course will engage in hands-on activities such as create Breakout EDU games and creating simple games through Scratch. Participants will also learn and experience a wide variety of educational games created by game design companies as well as by the researcher!!
Instructor: Ai-Chu Elisha Ding, Ph.D.
Schedule: Wednesday/PM/In-person
Loving to Learn: How to Promote Interest and Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom
Many students who perform well in school still think their coursework is boring or irrelevant, and they avoid challenging learning tasks. The goal of this interactive workshop is to provide evidence-based strategies focused around helping students enjoy learning and motivating students engage in deeper learning strategies in the classroom. We will discuss theories of motivation focused around interest development, intrinsic motivation, and challenge-seeking. We will also discuss classroom practices and intervention techniques that can help promote students’ motivation in positive ways. The goal of the workshop is to provide a toolbox of strategies that can be used to enhance students’ deep learning, interest, and motivation in the classroom.
Instructor: Xiao-Yin Chen, M.S.
Schedule: Monday & Wednesday/PM/Online
One-day course $125
Two-day course $250
Add-ons $100/day
Four-day course $500
Add-ons $95/day
TTCT Figural $800
Add-ons $75/day
Since we are offering significantly more courses and scheduling options this year, we wanted to give you some examples to help you build your TCSI 2023 schedule with ease.
Example 1: You have really been looking forward to taking the TTCT Figural in-person (M-TH, $800) as your AM session + add-on two PM sessions: Intrinsic Motivation (M & W = 2 days, $75/day) + Inclusivity for Neurodiversity (Tu = 1 day, $75/day) = $800 + $150 + $75 = $1025 TOTAL.
Example 2: You only have one day to fit your PL in this week, so you decide to get the most out of it and choose two of the one-day courses: Using Data for Counseling as your AM session (W, $125) + Game-Based Learning (W, $125) for your PM session = $125 +$125 = $250 TOTAL.
Example 3: You are NOT a morning person and can only make the PM sessions. You choose Nurturing Creativity: 5Ps (M & TH, $250) + Inclusivity for Neurodiversity (Tu = 1 day, $100/day) + Game-based Learning (W = 1 day, $100/day) = $250 + $100 + 100 = $400 TOTAL.
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