Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11am
About this Event
300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Sujata Iyengar of the UGA department of English and Jennifer Low, Professor Emerita of the Florida Atlantic University department of English, will respond to Suzanne Coley’s work by analyzing further the relationship between Shakespeare and contemporary book arts and artists’ books. Nora Benedict of the UGA department of Romance languages will bring a new perspective to the medieval and early modern papers by attending to artists’ books from contemporary Latin America.
Jennifer A. Low is the author of Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture (Palgrave 2003) and Dramatic Spaces: Scenography and Spectatorial Perceptions (Routledge 2016), as well as coeditor with Nova Myhill of the essay collection Imagining the Audience in Early Modern Drama 1558-1642 (Palgrave 2011). Low's articles have been published in Philological Quarterly, Comparative Drama, The Centennial Review, and Poetics Today, and her most recent piece, which concerns simulacra and VR technology in Red Bull Theater's 2019 production of The White Devil, appears in the Cambridge Elements volume Shakespeare and Virtual Reality (2022), edited by Stephen Wittek and David McInnis.
This talk is part of the Symposium on the Book: “Unbinding Book History," September 12 and 13 in the Special Collections Libraries Building. The Symposium's sponsors are the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, the departments of English and Romance languages, the Institute for African American Studies, the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the Institute for Women’s Studies, the UGA Libraries, the Office of Institutional Diversity, and the Bibliographical Society of America.
This two-day event unites talks from book historians and practicing book artists, featuring a plenary address by artist Suzanne Coley and a panel featuring special guest Jennifer Low, an early modern scholar and apprentice book artist. The symposium will demonstrate the diversity and range of contemporary book arts and book history. Coley’s work uses second-hand African, American, and African American textiles to explore gender, race, and memory through the creation of exquisitely sewn, embroidered, and printed books.
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