Sunday, June 25, 2023 10am
About this Event
4565 McRee Ave, St. Louis, MO ##neverbarkalone #AlwaysADawgDawgs, Dogs, Yoga, and Brunch—name a better combo!
Join us for DOGA (yes, Dog Yoga) and Brunch at Bar K celebrating the strong women of UGA! All humans and their dogs are welcome to this event.
Join the early birds for yoga (starting at 10am) and stay for brunch after. Please register using the Bar K link. The cost is $15 per person for Bar K guests (your dog gets in free!) and $10 for Bar K Members. You can pay at the door. Your admission includes one free Mimosa or a drip coffee after class! Of course you and your pup are welcome to come early or stay late to hang out and play.
Guests are encouraged to bring their own mat. For information, please visit this link.
We look forward to seeing you!
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