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110 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602

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In this playshop, we will begin by discussing experiences of play-based learning in early childhood education, and its connection to “mindbodyspirit” as a learning disposition.  Next, participants will explore hands-on wonder experiences that engage the senses and connect with the body as part of a playful writing process. Together, we will share our findings, our writing, and explore the ways in which “wonder experiences” can create expansive doorways to holistic literacy.

Workshop Facilitator: Dylan Brody

Dylan Brody (they/them) is a past Red Clay Fellow, current Red Clay Scholar, and a former Early Childhood teacher with over thirteen years of experience nurturing learners birth-three and the adults that support them. As a current doctoral student in the department of Educational Theory and Practice at UGA, they are passionate about cultivating spaces of wonder as a practice of liberating our learning spaces. They believe play to be a powerful portal for tapping into literacies of the human spirit while making meaning of the world(s) we encounter throughout the lifespan.

The Red Clay Writing Project workshops are led by Red Clay teacher consultants who are alumni of the program and leaders in writing instruction.  Workshops are open to all educators who want to strengthen or enhance their writing skills. The Red Clay Writing Project is part of the National Writing Project, a national effort cultivating teacher-leaders in writing instruction since 1974.

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