Thursday, February 13, 2020 9am to 12:30pm
About this Event
620 S Lumpkin St, Athens, GA 30602 #CaterpillarFinancialAt Cat Financial we’re currently focusing our recruitment efforts on our internship and Finance Foundation Program. We’re looking for Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in the following programs:
Finance Foundation Program: The purpose of the Finance Foundation Program is to attract and develop future Cat Financial leaders through a rigorous early-career rotational development program that equips participants with finance experience, business acumen and professionalism.
IS Internship Program: As an Information Service Intern you will assist in the development of detailed system specifications for major business or technical support and/or development, integration and implementation projects.
Finance Internship Program: As a Finance Intern at Cat Financial you will be assigned to a specific department and given at least one project to work on for the duration of the internship.
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