Saturday, February 1, 2025 6:30pm to 11:59pm
About this Event
90 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602 the opening of the exhibition “Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection,” enjoy delectable hors d’oeuvre stations and stick around for the signature end-of-evening dance party. Proceeds will benefit student programs and enable the Georgia Museum of Art to continue to fulfill its educational mission, fostering deeper connections with students across the university in academic engagement and well-being. Learn more about sponsoring. $400 per person for Friend + Annual Fund Members; $450 per person for not yet Friends + Annual Fund Members. Each individual ticket includes a $100 tax-deductible contribution. Purchase tickets or sponsor at Black tie or cocktail attire. Powdered wigs and/or 1980s finery enthusiastically encouraged.
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