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1197 S Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30605

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Participants in this free, public plenary session of the a2ru National Conference are Peter Linett, chairman and chief idea officer of Slover Linett Audience Research\; and Harry J. Elam, Jr., the Olive H. Palmer Professor in the Humanities, senior vice provost for education, vice president for the arts, and the Freeman-Thornton Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education at Stanford University.We know how to raise money for gleaming new arts buildings that shine a spotlight on the arts on campus. We also know how to create world-class degree programs in the arts, andeven how to foster research collaborations between artists and other kinds of researchers. But we often struggle to envision and implement a more holistic, campus-wide strategy for the arts and creativity at our universities. The arts are still viewed by many administrators, faculty members,and students as optional, even ornamental to the mission of research, teaching, and learning. Join us for a lively conversation with leaders whoare working to embed the arts more deeply in their institutions. What arethe principles of successful arts planning at a university? What stands in the way, and who needs to be at the table in order to fully harness thepower of the arts across the campus?

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