Friday, January 17, 2025 1pm to 2pm
About this Event
270 River Road, Athens, GA 30602
http://arts-collab.uga.eduThe Arts Collaborative will host a2ru webinar watch parties this spring. All events are free and open to the public.
In conjunction with the publication of Ground Works‘ latest special issue “Creating Knowledge in Common,” a2ru will be hosting a number of online events throughout January and February 2025. Ask-Them-Anything webinars will feature “Creating Knowledge in Common” Editors Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, and Mary Pat McGuire as well as select contributors to this special collection. Each hour-long webinar highlights projects that cohere around a broad topic. Read ahead of time, then ask them anything.
Placemaking and Placekeeping
Bring questions for Creating Knowledge in Common Editors Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, and Mary Pat McGuire, and for project authors Aidan Ackerman, Leann Andrews, and Lily Song. This webinar will have only brief presentations, allowing maximum time for your questions and comments about the collection as a whole and about these authors’ projects: Ackerman’s “Virtual Forests as a Creative Medium for Community Co-Creation and Collaboration,” Andrews’s “Tres Comunidades, Un Río: Supporting Urban Amazonian Floodplain Communities Through Data and Art,” and Song’s “Participatory Planning and Design Research for the ARTery.”
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