UGA Calendar of Events
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Each year, an invited speaker delivers a lecture that honors the quiet determination and dignity with which Mary Frances Early pursued her efforts to ensure that the state’s flagship university became an institution of higher learning for all people of Georgia. The annual lecture demonstrates the progress that has been made while also recognizing that work still remains in order to fully realize Ms. Early’s vision.

This year's lecture is a 60th anniversary of desegregation event. 

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This was absolutely a delightful conversation with a wonderful poet, writer, feminist, professor. I wish the fireside chat the previous evening would have been available to us as well.

how I wish Ms. Giovanni had read some of her amazing poems as well as given her poetic insight, but I was glad just to be able to hear from her and connect the folk/fairytales we tell ourselves as well as creative ways to innovate and take care of the world (and our owls!)


It is live streaming on YouTube. You can find it if you search "21st Annual Mary Frances Early Lecture."

I feel so lucky to be able to hear Nikki Giovanni speak to us and read her poetry. Thank you UGA, COE, and Mary Frances Early for gifting us this opportunity to reflect and revise ourselves as learners, educators, and citizens.

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